A portal that offers everyone the opportunity to talk with experts

The guide deals with topics in a simple way, even for non-experts, and offers users the possibility of requesting in-depth information based on their individual needs directly from the site.

Assessing tax treatment

The geographical proximity between Italy and Switzerland means that it is often necessary to understand and take account of the tax rules that apply across the border. Through SWITADVICE you can receive in-depth and personalised advice.

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Relocate your business

Many entrepreneurs consider relocating their businesses abroad. Through SWITADVICE you can receive personalised advice. By clicking “Find out more” you can get more information on issues connected with relocating your business

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Buying a property

Buying a property in Switzerland is not only an economic opportunity, given the stability of the Swiss economy, but also a residential opportunity, due to the beauty of the location, the low crime rate and the Swiss sense of civic duty. SWITADVICE helps you to understand the direct taxes.

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Protecting a trademark or an invention

Owning intellectual property rights (trademarks or patents) gives you the exclusive right to their use in the territory with innumerable economic and commercial advantages. To claim ownership of such rights, it is necessary to register with the competent authorities.

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Learn about labour law

Established at the end of the 19th century and developed over the following decades, acquiring greater incisiveness in light of the values set out in the Italian Constitution, Italian labour law is one of the most complex and, for this reason, fascinating branches of Italian law.

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Opening a business

In Italy, economic activities are generally carried out in the form of companies divided into two main categories: partnerships and corporations. The two main forms of limited company in Italy are the società per azioni (S.p.A.) and the società a responsabilità limitata (S.r.l.), which can be likened to the Swiss S.A. and SAGL respectively.

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Settling a dispute

The arbitration procedure at the Swiss Chamber is very popular among Swiss, Italian and international traders under the patronage of UNIONESTERE (Union of Foreign and Italian Chambers of Commerce in Italy) as it represents neutral territory.

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Recovering a debt

In order to recover a credit, the creditor can take action through the assistance of a lawyer or the Legal Department of Swiss Chamber. In fact, Swiss Chamber offers its support to all natural and legal persons who find themselves in the position of having to recover a debt.

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Entering the Italian market through bilingual South Tyrol

Trentino-Alto Adige is the northernmost special statute region in Italy, where the German language is spoken in addition to Italian; this territory is known not only for its vocation for tourism but also for its function as a ‘gateway’ to the Italian market.

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Want to know how to join the Patent Box?

The patent box is an optional concessionary tax regime which allows companies that own intangible assets and invest in Research and Development activities to enjoy significant tax savings in Italy.

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Swiss Chamber

Camera di commercio Svizzera in Italia

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