Swiss Chamber, which has always acted as an arbitrator by offering lawyers and companies a set of Arbitration Rules and a forum for the settlement of business disputes, provides a tool that not only complies with the new legislation (Legislative Decree No. 40/2006), but also satisfies the needs of lawyers and companies that prefer to take an alternative route to ordinary court justice and so choose arbitration to settle any disputes, both nationally and internationally.
The simple, rigorous and flexible new Rules clearly define the procedures to be followed. They are inspired by neutrality and confidentiality, qualities that Switzerland is known for around the world, and can be adapted and applied to a vast range of disputes. Some of the new features introduced in the new edition include a clarification of the preparatory phase of the procedure (how to submit petitions and notifications and transmit documents to the arbitrators) and a more precise description of specific procedural requirements and on how to submit briefs and documents.
The new Rules have been drafted by a Commission set up specifically for this purpose, chaired by the highly-respected Professor Guido Alpa, a lawyer and former President of the Consiglio Nazionale Forense (National Legal Council), working with a pool of renowned lawyers under the coordination of Swiss Chamber.