Debt Collection in Switzerland / Debt Collection in Italy

International debt collection: a trust-based assignment

Swiss Chamber offers an international debt collection service primarily intended for Swiss companies and/or people in need of debt collection in Italy or Italian people with claims in the Swiss Confederation.

Creditors can rely on the prestige of an institution officially recognised by the Swiss government and on the professionalism of experienced and qualified personnel. The out-of-court international debt collection procedure can be concluded successfully, more quickly and less expensively than judicial redress.

Swiss Chamber’s legal department, boasting many years of experience in debt collection in Italy and debt collection in Switzerland, performs the following tasks:

  • a detailed analysis of the individual case to decide on the most appropriate measures to take in order to collect the debt;
  • data checks, chamber of commerce queries and in-depth reports on debtor natural and/or legal persons;
  • timely recovery action with the debtor, including written reminders and, if the case permits, telephone calls;
  • drafting settlement agreements and payment plans;
  • acts as the contact person between the client and the Chamber’s network of law firms, should legal action be necessary.

Contact person for debt collection service in Switzerland/Italy:


Antonella Alfani

Swiss Chamber

Camera di commercio Svizzera in Italia

P.iva 02244750150

Via Palestro 2, 20121 Milano Open map



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