Alpiq, the Swiss electricity company, is among the leading integrated operators in Europe.

Alpiq has been supplying energy products and generating sustainable, climate-friendly electricity from carbon-free Swiss hydropower for more than 100 years. The power station portfolio also includes shares in two Swiss nuclear power stations, as well as flexible thermal power stations, wind farms and photovoltaic plants in Europe. Alpiq makes an important contribution to the security of electricity supply in Switzerland and Europe.
As an international energy trader, Alpiq is active in all major European markets, with unique expertise in flexibility marketing and cross-border trading,
The Alpiq Group has around 1,200 employees.

Alpiq has been present in Italy since 1999 and employs more than 100 people in the production and marketing of energy products.
In the Italian market Alpiq owns facilities with a capacity of 750 MW, including three gas-fired power stations, four wind farms, five photovoltaic power stations and two mini-hydro power stations.
Alpiq also manages the energy for almost 1000 MW of third-party installations and delivers more than 5 TWh of electricity and gas to large industrial customers each year.
Energy delivery is complemented by a portfolio of innovative services such as comprehensive energy flow management, emission trading, energy and portfolio management.

Finally, the Alpiq Group is involved in the Hydrospider project, which produces and distributes hydrogen to a low-carbon transport ecosystem in Switzerland.
Today there are more than 50 hydrogen-powered trucks on the road, which have already travelled more than 7 million kilometres.


Swiss Chamber

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