19 June 2023, 19:00
In-person and phygital

Swiss Chamber Gala Evening

The Swiss Chamber Gala Evening on the occasion of the 104th General Assembly was held last Monday, 19 June 2023. This annual event, organised by the Swiss Chamber – Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Italy, was attended by leading figures from the business and political-institutional worlds of Switzerland and Italy.

The protagonist of the evening was once again sustainability applied to nutrition with the authoritative speech by Prof. Nicola Sorrentino, Director of the IULM Food Academy.

The evening was opened by a networking apéro at Swiss Corner starting at 19:00 and continued at 20:00 with the gala dinner at Spazio Eventi, on the third floor of the Swiss Centre (Sala Meili).

Swiss Chamber Gala Evening – Mediterranean Model and Sustainability
The speech by Prof. Nicola Sorrentino, entitled Modello Mediteranneo e Sostenibilità. Dieta, Sport e Salute, introduced us to the principles of healthy and sustainable eating during the dinner organised by the Chef of the IULM Food Academy and inspired by the Mediterranean model.

The traditional raffle was also held during the event, with rich prizes offered by numerous Italian and Swiss partners of excellence.

Swiss Chamber

Camera di commercio Svizzera in Italia

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